The connection between gut health and mental health was never so apparent to me as it became these last few months.
Chronic discomfort became my normal, became a part of my everyday life. I thought it was the same for everyone so I found ways to counter my symptoms by compensating with certain foods or by drinking supplements to suppress my discomfort.
My subconscious discomfort started influencing my energy, drive, and motivation for tasks and activities I loved before.
In March I was finally diagnosed with IBS and referred to Annalien. Self-discipline is quite natural for me, so sticking to Annaline’s meal plan wasn’t challenging, especially because how thorough and clear she is with her plan, however trying to break the already ingrained routine I had around eating and compensation was difficult. Yet, when the first week passed of weaning myself from certain cravings and habits, my body adapted to the new structure, and I felt a definite contrast in my daily energy levels, gut health, and ultimately, mood. My 6 weeks on Low Fodmap wasn’t perfect, I deviated some days, but regardless Annaline’s thorough plan made it incredibly easy for me to fall back in line or rather “reset” without any major shifts or irritations.
I loved testing myself during my 6 week period with activities or tasks (and the meal plan itself) I previously didn’t feel motivated enough to do, and slowly I experienced that my motivation and will increased. I craved to do the things I longed for; things I did before I became so despondent. As I slowly started to implement foods back into my diet, I stayed cautious of foods that previously gave me issues, but because of Annalien I was not afraid to try it again.
Now, after following a “normal” diet, I truly feel a major shift in my overall health and mood! I highly recommend Annalien to anyone and everyone who suffers from any form of gastro discomfort. Her sessions are well-structured and easily comprehensible!